Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Clothing Brands All Put Into Categories For Your Convenience

(please note that some of these brands may have gone into liquidation but that doesn't mean that they never existed so I shall include them regardless)


Atmosphere (brand of Primark), Cherokee (brand of Tesco),  Secret Passions (underwear brand for Primark), F&F (brand of Tesco), George (brand of Asda), Evans, Etam, Boohoo (fast fashion brand), Citrus, Viyella (brand from Citrus), Ladybird (childrens' brand of Woolworths), Topshop (fast fashion brand), Topman (mens brand for Topshop), TU (Sainsburys brand), Matalan, Simple, Mexx, Select, New Look (fast fashion brand), Mark One (former fast fashion brand taken over by New Look), Wilkenson, Tammy Girl (teenage brand for defunct Etam), TJ Hughes, Claires (accessories brand for New Look), Primark (a shop that attracts lots of shoppers from smaller towns and villages, and thus guarantees more trade into any high street), Papaya, Denim Co (jeans brand for Sainsburys)


Next, H & M, C & A, River Island, Marks And Spencers, Blue Anchor (mans' brand for Marks And Spencers), Burton (mans brand), Littlewoods, Debenhams, Adams (childrens' brand), Tie Rack, Sock Shop (both Tie Rack and Sock Shop are owned by the same company), BHS, Clarks (shoe brand), Very (catalogue), Bon Marche, Barretts (brand belonging to Bon Marche, who in turn have been taken over by someone else), John Lewis, Mango, Wallis, Burberry (when they used to produce all those garments in checks they were a lot cheaper), Luis Vuitton (they do a range of lower valued items but aren't as trashy as Burberry's checks), Ralph Loren (lower range), EWM, Dorothy Perkins, Laura Ashley


Adidas (German sports brand), Asics (Sports brand), Ann Summers (they do a naughty range of underwear and nightwear), Gap, Oasis, Ellysees (shoe's brand), Umbro (British sports brand), Fila (Italian sports brand), Luis Vuitton (their mid range valued items), Biba (lower valued items), Nomad (niche hippy garments), Monsoon (for those who like bright colours and the hippyish style but who are too afraid to wear Nomad clothing), Levi (original American denim company that set out to design trousers for hard working manual workers in the deep south), Doc Martins (American boot and shoe brand designed to be hard wearing for manual workers that would be worn with your Levi's), Lee (denim brand), Miss Selfridges (Selfridges brand), Fat Face (lots of pastel colours), Per Una (Marks And Spencers brand), Autograph (Marks And Spencers brand), Accessorize (Monsoon's accessories brand), Bench, Diesel (the designers range of denim which they make to look old), Nike (American sports brand), Lotto (Italian Sports brand), Puma (sports brand), Hi Tech (Trainer brand), Start Right (niche shoe brand for children), Rebok (German sports brand), FCUK, Red Or Dead, Long Tall Sally (niche brand for tall women), Go Outdoors (niche all weather gear), Hello Kitty (niche company for skaters), Lacoste (lower range designer clothing), Cotton Traders, Anne Harvey, Victoria's Secrets (sexy underwear), various independent boutiques


Armani (Italian), Bulgari (Italian), Chanel (French), Christian Dior (French), Diesel (American), Lacoste (American), Miu Miu (French?), Burberry (British), Edun (ethical company that is owned by Luis Vuitton and is American I think), Luis Vuitton (French), United Colours of Benetton (American), Harrods (British shop that used to be owned by Muhammed Al Fayed), Tommy Hilfiger (American), Joseph (British), Abercombi & Fetch (American company that sells casual wear), Yves Saint Laurent (French), Jaeger, Harvey Nichols (British), Thierry Guetta (French), Sally (British), Shellys (British shoes), Givenchy (French), Calvin Kline (American), Gucci (Italian), Zara, Stella (British), Versace (Italian), Paco Robanne (French),  Nina Ricci (French), East (British), Ralph Loren (American), Dolce & Gabbana (Italian), Paul Smith (British), Fifi (Italian), Alexander McQueen (British), Vivianne Westwood (British), Hugo Boss (American), Jimmy Shoo (shoes), Savoy Row (British man's bespoke), Bespoke.

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