Monday, July 23, 2012

Script (part 2) B

S C E N E   3

ROSE:  Ed?  Hey you Carole

(At home in her own bed in the downstairs bedroom, Carole is brought to full consciousness by the sound of her complaining)

ROSE:  Do you know what time it is? 
CAROLE:  I have just had the strangest of dreams, or should I say 4 dreams?
ROSE:  Where's Ed?

(Carole jumps out of bed and points her left index finger in the air)

CAROLE:  I must find out what all that was about
ROSE:  What all what was about?  Have you seen Ed?
CAROLE: I dreamt that I was different nationalities and races.  I spoke all these different languages.  I was also in the Olympics
ROSE:  Whilst I've been stuck here fending off interference from the press.  You do remember what happened last night?  You were involved in a murder.
CAROLE:  No I wasn't involved in it
ROSE:  But you thought you could hide a man's body in a cellar?
CAROLE:  We've already been through this, no we didn't.  Maxine came back and called the police
ROSE:  She was on drugs
CAROLE:  But I wasn't

(Carole switches on her laptop)

ROSE:  Who cares about your bloody dreams anyway?  The worst that could happen has happened.  Peter is in a permanent sleep now.  It will happen to us one day as well.  We will fall asleep and never wake up
CAROLE:  At least it would mean that we've had a long life.  Peter wasn't given the luxury of a peaceful death after a long life
ROSE:  What was it over anyway?  Elton John?
CAROLE:  Peter died because Steve just snapped.  I don't understand it anymore than you do.  All I know is that if I never mentioned Elton John last night might have turned out very differently.
ROSE:  I should shut your bloody mouth next time!  Stick to Barry Manilow.  See what they say at the trial

(Carole types in 'dream meanings' into Google.)

ROSE:  I suppose you haven't seen Ed? 

(Rose goes into the kitchen)

CAROLE:  In my dream?  No I haven't

(Carole types 'different languages and the olympics into the search engine of a dream website she's found.  Rose says something from the kitchen that Carole doesn't catch but she replies anyway...)


(Rose comes back into the bedroom)

ROSE:  What do you mean no?  I can put my watch on a book if I want to.

(Rose takes off her watch and places it on top of a copy of The Catcher In The Rye) 

ROSE:  You don't rule over me

(Rose goes back into the kitchen)

CAROLE:  There was also an alien invasion and a former Eastern European dictator came back from the dead
ROSE:  What last night?
CAROLE:  No in my dream
ROSE:  You couldn't of dreamed of something that was actually useful, such as the whereabouts of Ed?
CAROLE:  I'm afraid no.  Oh and there was something about farming as well
ROSE:  Farming did you say?  Does that mean that you are gonna get off your ass and do some real work instead of whatever it is you're doing now?
CAROLE:  Have you tried calling Ed on his mobile?
ROSE:  What kind of moron do you think I am?  Of course I've tried ringing him.  But he's not answering is he?  A bit like you last night

S C E N E   4

(A cafe in Cheltenham)

LYNSEY:  Maxine I know that this is near impossible for you but; - after what you witnessed, you're bound to have tens of feelings running through your head.  You need to speak to someone about what you're going through.  
MAXINE:  This has got nothing to do with you
LYNSEY:  I'm not talking about myself here.  What about your mum?

(Clarence Seedorf comes into the cafe and sits on the nearby sofa by the girls.  He is holding a vuvuzela)

CLARENCE SEEDORF:  Just four days to go now.  HONK HONK

(Clarence Seedorf blows twice on his horn.  Lynsey says to Clarence Seedorf..)

LYNSEY:  Do you mind?

(Clarence Seedorf to Lynsey)


(Clarence Seedorf blows on the horn.  Some of the diners look at them.  Carl comes across to the table)

CARL:  Hey, do you mind!  If you want to blow on that thing then you shall have to take it outside.  You can't do it in here
LYNSEY:  We're sorry Carl.  We be out of here soon
CARL:  Well in the meantime will you stop making that noize?

(Carl pokes at Clarence Seedorf's shoulder.  Clarence Seedorf looks up at him.  Carl then walks away.  Lynsey says to Maxine..)

LYNSEY:  All I'm saying is that you can't keep things bottled up forever

(Lynsey gets up and collects her coat)

MAXINE:  Why not?
LYNSEY:  Because all your emotions are going to surface eventually in way or another

(All 3 of them leave the cafe)

S C E N E   5

(Jelena and Mrs Seedorf walk into a newsagent.  They are chatting about the events the day before)

MRS SEEDORF:  If you ask me, I think it has something to do with all that loud music and violent TV that they said he liked.  Even during the emergency phone call the operator was reported to have said that they heard hard rock music with its violent lyrics.

(Both of the women look at the cover of the local newspaper with the murder at the the house party as its headline)

JELENA:  Hmmm.  Don't you think though that that theory is rather simplistic?  Loads of people enjoy heavy rock and horror stories.  It doesn't make them all killers

(Clarence Seedorf slide out unexpectidly from behind a display of breakfast cereal just in front of the women as they walk up the aisle.  They shriek and he honks on his vuvuzela) 

MRS SEEDORF:  Clarence, what do you think you're doing?  Scaring two women like that?

(She says angrily)

CLARENCE SEEDORF:  What's up with the guys around here?  All I'm trying to do is cheer everyone up.
MRS SEEDORF:  What, by honking your horn in their faces?

(Tariff the shopkeeper makes an appearance from behind the curtain to the back room.  He looks very worried)

MRS SEEDORF:  Tariff, love.  What's happened?  You look as though you've seen a ghost.
TARIFF:  I think I may have seen a ghost.  Sausa my daughter has just rang from the police station.  It seems as though Steve Maccrow has contacts that care more about him than our community.  Someone has allowed him to escape.  The last time Steve Maccrow was seen in his cell was two hours ago

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